A history of civilizations/Braudel, Fernand
Condensend matter physics/Isihara, A.
Essential Modern Art/Blake, Robin
Hydrodynamics/Lamb, Horace
Impressionists/Cunningham, Antonia
Kinetic theory of gases : with an introduction to statistical mechanics/Kennard, E. H.
Michelangelo Buonarroti : life and work/Gromling, Alexandra
Monet/Potts, Vanessa
Psychoanalytic theory of art : a philosophy of art on developmental principles/Kuhns, Richard Francis
Six characters in search of an author/Pirandello, Luigi
The bell jar/Plath, Sylvia
The mechanics of deformable bodies : being volume II of "Introduction to theoretical physics"/Planck, Max
The modern theory of solids/Seitz, Frederick
Theoretical physics/Joos, Georg
অভিনয় শিল্প = Abhinay shilpo: mon : মন/দাশগুপ্ত, অনজন্ (Dasgupta, Anjan)
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